
Fine… Thank you…

It’s has been a while since I actually wrote something here. As some of you all know, a few things have happen in my life. Firstly, my father passed. He passed on in May. I won’t say he was fighting with many illnesses, but more like his time was up. After having to survive with his leg amputation and overcoming cancer. I think the last 6-7 years have taken a toll on him. I won’t say that he has leaded a bad life and made to suffer in his later years. In fact, I think he rather enjoyed his life.

Born into a well-to-do family, not worrying about when the next meal will come from. Able to do whatever he wanted to do. Choose not to work or choose to work. I guess my dad had it good. However, times change and being caught up in the time zone of not able to adapt to the change has taken its toll on the whole family.

We won’t that bad to begin with. Or after for that matter. My sisters and I still went through school as far as we wanted to go. We were comfortable in the way we live and have happy childhood (at least for me being the youngest).

My dad was a free spirit much like me. We don’t talk much, but have big opinion on things that we believe in. We make friends quite easily and also fall into believing in friend too much. Although I don’t look much like him (as my mother’s friends tell me).

His last days in this world have been tough, with many trips to the hospital and many time spent alone. As we all wish that we have more time with him, especially me. We see him from being able to walk with his stump till not being able to walk. It’s very sad to see him getting bad as days go by, but we have to be happy that he is still there. Many other people have family leave them suddenly, which I feel is a more devastating thing to happen. And to tell you the truth, every time when I go to any wake. In the back of my mind I am thinking. “When will it be my turn to do one?” Many may think that this sound negative, but that is how I am. And very much like him.

And something we share very much is that we do not want people to worry for us. Hence, the title of this entry. Fine… Thank you… That’s what he says through out his whole ordeal of going in and out of hospital and during his last term. He loves his eggs and bread in the morning. His Ben & Jerry ice cream we give him in the afternoon and his staying up late in the night. He loved the silly movies that we show him. And the lullaby that we play for him. His last days were good. I always say that his last days were spent in a hotel, where people took care of him and he was able to live it stress free. Free from being uncomfortable, free to show everyday, free to see different people (nurses, doctors, therapists) seeing and talking to him everyday.

As I write this, I do miss him. I miss him for he was my father and he was always “Fine… Thank you”

Once Is Never Enough :P


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