Quizz Frenzy
Today I am in a Quizz Frency...Join me....
Flirty, fun, and friendly.
Like a firefly you are all about the dance.
You've been accused of liking foreplay as much as sex!
You don't have a strobe show to lure partners,
But your act does the job quite well.
What's Your Sexual Power Animal?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Sound about right?
You're not totally in the clear, but you probably haven't done anything wrong... yet.
See, you're pretty typical when it comes to relationships.
Which is what puts you at a little bit of risk.
Ever feel tempted to cheat? If so, stay away from those tricky situations.
Never feel tempted? Then you've probably reached a happy balance.
Sound completely wrong?
Ah, so you have cheated!
Tone down the flirting and fantasizing, and you'll survive.
Are You Likely to Cheat?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Your Sexual Power Animal is a Firefly!
Flirty, fun, and friendly.
Like a firefly you are all about the dance.
You've been accused of liking foreplay as much as sex!
You don't have a strobe show to lure partners,
But your act does the job quite well.
What's Your Sexual Power Animal?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

There's a 26 - 50% Chance You'll Cheat!
Sound about right?
You're not totally in the clear, but you probably haven't done anything wrong... yet.
See, you're pretty typical when it comes to relationships.
Which is what puts you at a little bit of risk.
Ever feel tempted to cheat? If so, stay away from those tricky situations.
Never feel tempted? Then you've probably reached a happy balance.
Sound completely wrong?
Ah, so you have cheated!
Tone down the flirting and fantasizing, and you'll survive.
Are You Likely to Cheat?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
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