
First Blog By Treo

this is my first blog on my treo 650 using the uBlog software


Let Google Show You The Image

yo yo...

This is certainly intresting. Just type in the word, name into the box and Google Image will look for the images that correspond to the word you spelt. Quite intresting. If you keep click 'Spell It' It will change the pictures!

Spell Words With Google Image

Just too bad that you cannot save the whole image, just one by one the letters. Unless you have a croping tool like Hypersnap. Or you can just print screen!

Once Is Never Enough :P


Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Get Ready to get confused
Actaully, not that confusing lah...

Just see see... quite a nice flash...

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Once Is Never Enough :P