
Wow.. Did not realised that almost not blogged for a week already...
I think a lot of things happening lah...
The new season of the soccer league starting..with not many people turning up..kinna sad as i am the captain and everyone telling me to get more players...wah leows... I also like everyone else walk in my own area mah...u got people ...help me find lah!!
Then saturday... made my 'return' to beach volleryball!! ahahha... not too bad lah...still know how to play... on the other hand, should have gone to the biathlon briefing...now i realised that not much time left!!! shoooot! Barely 12 days more to go...and er..i think i am ready...i think..hahaha...
Sunday was ok.. As I went to a Karaoka with a bunch of gers...hm... does showing your red boxers always break the ice? ahaha... maybe ...but it was a ok time lah..they are nice...and gentle :P
Then met up with Jessie, jeff and felix after that to get a drink, then it rained! rained rained!
BTW... I bought a bluetooth adapter (USB) for my PC and i got my T630....kool....now can transfer stuff using them...the pix transferring was easy...now to my PDA...and get my PDA to surf net through BT... sound busy eh!
Hm.. I dreamt of her...she was sad, crying and stuff... So silly me wrote an e-mail asking if she is ok...i dunno half the time i can sense that she is not doing good... aigh... oh well...

My T630 rocks! :)
Once Is Never Enough ;P


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